3 Effortless Tips to Lose Weight Quickly


When people think about losing weight, they immediately think of starvation and endless hours on a treadmill. I'm here to tell you that it does not have to be that way at all. You have heard the old saying 'death by a thousand cuts', well that same principal applies here. You can lose weight quickly and easily by making small changes which require little effort. The more changes you make, the quicker you will lose weight. Here are the top three things you can do to start losing weight quickly.

Count your calories:

Here comes that starvation diet thought again. Not necessarily. If you eat unrefined foods without a lot of fat, you may even have trouble eating all the food available. The amount of calories you should average each day would be your target weight x 10. For example, if you want to weigh 140 pounds, your total daily caloric intake should be 1,400 calories. This is just a rule of thumb, and you can add or subtract 100 - 200 calories if necessary. A quick rule of thumb, avoid processed foods (this includes fast food), refined sugars, and minimize fruit consumption. Stick to clean proteins (low fat), vegetables, and whole grains. There are so many low calorie foods on the market today, all you have to do is look a little for what fits your tastes.

Drink Cold Water:

There are two reasons for drinking cold water. The first reason is that many people mistake thirst, or the onset mild dehydration, as hunger. If you drink water when you feel you are hungry, many times the hunger will dissipate. True hunger will remain. You will very quickly learn to distinguish between the two. The second reason is that cold water causes the body to burn more calories. A calorie is defined as the amount of energy it takes to raise one gram of water by on degree Celsius. The body will work to maintain a normal, or constant body temperature. If you cool the body down by drinking ice water, calories will be expended in an effort to raise your body back to normal temperatures.

Increase Fiber:

Increasing fiber does a couple of things. First, it keeps you regular. Your body needs to efficiently pass waste and absorb nutrients. With waste not being eliminated timely, your body works harder to eliminate toxins and eventually metabolism slows down. Second, it absorbs many times its own weight in water. This is important because it will give you that full feeling to ward off false hunger pangs. The best source is raw vegetables, and you don't even need to count them in your total caloric intake. There are also many inexpensive and very effective products on the market today. Try to find ones with minimal sugar.

These are just three of many tips to add to your arsenal of weight loss tools. By adding many small ideas and tricks instead of one big step, you will make your weight loss efforts seem effortless. Visit http://www.diet-pill-mania.info/ for more tips to lose weight quickly and easily.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Scott_Fuhremann

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